Nahian Ahmed Shah, Contributor, the Star Avis

Nahian Ahmed Shah

National Coordinator, Integrated Livelihood TP & Private Sector Engagement, World Vision Bangladesh
4 Articles

Transforming Lives through Cassava: A Revolution in Bandarban, Bangladesh

In the serene hills of Bandarban, a quiet revolution is taking place which is fueled by the humble cassava plantation.…

7 Min Read

World Food Day, 2023: A Commitment to a Hunger-Free World

On October 16, as we commemorate World Food Day in the year 2023, it's imperative that we reflect on the…

7 Min Read

Poverty reduction through private sector engagement

Poverty remains one of the most pressing global challenges, with millions of people trapped in a cycle of extreme deprivation.…

5 Min Read

How much digital rights are cared in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh has transformed into a digitalized country within the last decade and internet users reached to 103.8 million. This internet…

10 Min Read